Curve provides a unique, efficient AMM and lending protocol on Ethereum as well as other layer 2 chains. It differentiates its liquidity pools by setting up multi-token support, including backing tokens with underlying ERC20 collateral.
From the Curve docs, a quick snapshot:
Curve achieves extremely efficient stablecoin trades by implementing the StableSwap invariant, which has significantly lower slippage for stablecoin trades than many other prominent invariants (e.g., constant-product)
The Curve pools provide a couple ways that trade can occur with higher capital efficiency.
First: Pools can contain multiple tokens, which allow for less “hops” between traded liquidity.
Second: The “Stable Swap” price formula uses a constant-product function that keeps slippage lower than other AMM protocols. Read more here →
Here’s the line-up of great data sets supported on
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