Welcome to the AD Derivatives podcast led by Director of Derivatives; Greg Magadini. Featuring: Simon Ho, Founder & CEO of T3 Index
In this episode, host Greg Magadini speaks with Simon Ho, Founder and CEO of T3 Index. T3 has created a competitor to the CBEO VIX index, known as the "Spike" index which is a volatility index derived from SPY options and currently traded on MIAX (Miami Stock Exchange).
Simon has an extensive background in options trading. Before founding T3 Index Simon worked at JPM, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Deustsche Bank.
Today we talk about Simon's experience as a trader, founder and developments around T3's Bitcoin volatility index, known as "BitVol".
You can view instruments, risk management tools, and crypto options activity on the Amberdata Derivatives App.
To learn more about T3 Index, click here.