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Why Amberdata?

When it comes to digital asset data providers, we believe that Amberdata provides the most comprehensive API, data, and insights in the market. However, as a prospective client in the financial industry (financial institution, FinTech, or crypto native), you may wonder why Amberdata should be your preferred partner. This article will explore the value and wide range of use cases that make Amberdata the leading digital asset data provider in the market. We’ll also compare our capabilities to our two main competitors. Contact us if you’d like to get more details on these competitive comparisons.

Amberdata Platform

Blockchain Data API

Founded in 2017 as an on-chain data company, Amberdata has a unique advantage in the blockchain data space. Unlike our competitors, who started as market data providers and later expanded into blockchain and DeFi, Amberdata was established from the beginning as an on-chain data provider. This focus on blockchain data allows us to provide unparalleled granularity in our product and decode all aspects of blockchain activity.

While competitors may offer snapshots or aggregations of blockchain activity, Amberdata goes a step further by tracking every movement, event, and transaction on the blockchains we cover, including real-time and historical mempool data. Mempool data is ephemeral, meaning transaction information not included in a block is lost forever. While exchanges do not collect this data, Amberdata has been collecting mempool data since 2017 and maintains the largest historical mempool dataset in the market. Additionally, we support every protocol on Ethereum from its genesis block, ensuring comprehensive coverage.

With granular blockchain data, including addresses, blocks, balances, and transaction hashes, you gain a full lens into every on-chain event. This level of detail allows you to create accurate reporting, maintain compliance with regulatory requirements, investigate wallet activity, identify USDC blacklisted addresses, and evaluate counterparty risk.

Amberdata's commitment to providing comprehensive and detailed blockchain data sets us apart from our competitors, many of whom do not have the infrastructure to offer complete blockchain data. By leveraging our extensive historical and real-time data, our clients unlock valuable insights, enhance compliance efforts, and make informed decisions in the fast-paced world of digital assets.

Blockchain staking data LIDO APR

Blockchain staking data

Blockchain Data Features: Amberdata vs. Competitors

Market Data API

Amberdata offers a comprehensive suite of crypto market data covering spot, options, futures, and swaps markets. Our data coverage spans reputable and high-volume exchanges, ensuring the cleanliness and reliability of our aggregated data. With a wide range of data services from pre-trade to post-trade to pricing, Amberdata provides the market data and insights needed for success in crypto investing.

Amberdata provides deep insights into market depth, liquidity, and price movements. With access to over 5500 assets and 8500 pairs, including weighted prices and derivatives data, traders can analyze the market and evaluate performance with ease. Our extensive historical data, including tick-level order book data dating back to 2017, is unmatched in the industry, enabling robust backtesting and accurate slippage calculations.

Amberdata understands the importance of granular trade data for effective strategy development. With access to tick-level trade data and key metrics such as OHLCV, VWAP, and TWAP, traders gain a comprehensive understanding of market trends. Our coverage includes liquidations for every instrument on every supported exchange, empowering institutions to model crypto volatility exposures, manage loan portfolio risk, and mitigate risks in real time.

Additionally, Amberdata Derivatives provides comprehensive spot, vol, and derivatives data history that allow traders to identify opportunities, manage risk and build better strategies. Built on years of deep options trading expertise, AD Derivatives offers in-depth analytics tools and data sets such as implied and realized vol, metrics, risk monitoring, and DeFi derivatives. With customizable dashboards and proprietary metrics, AD Derivatives is the best in its class.


Real-time monitoring of volatility.

Crypto Market Data Features Comparison: Amberdata vs. Competitors

DeFi Data API

Amberdata boasts the most extensive suite of DeFi data and metrics, seamlessly integrated into our API alongside crypto market data and blockchain data. We empower institutions to explore the world of decentralized finance and provide multiple data types, views, and aggregations for comprehensive liquidity analysis. Here are three ways we are revolutionizing DeFi data:

  1. DeFi Market Data: Because DeFi exchanges operate 24/7 without fixed end-of-day periods, we have revolutionized the concept of ‘DeFi market data’ and introduced essential metrics such as DeFi OHLCV, TWAP, and VWAP. These aggregations allow customers to compare and analyze Defi markets in relation to centralized exchanges and other traditional markets. Traders can leverage these endpoints for arbitrage opportunities between decentralized and centralized exchanges, while middle offices gain valuable insights into volatility, enabling them to manage risk more efficiently. 
  2. Liquidity Data: Amberdata's extensive repository of liquidity data provides a comprehensive understanding of asset and exchange liquidity, as well as the activity of liquidity providers, pool events, and impermanent loss. In the front office, our data enables participants to provide liquidity and mitigate risk by gaining insights into factors such as participants, TVL (Total Value Locked), trading costs, and pool composition. 
  3. Lending and Borrowing Protocols and DEX’s: Amberdata offers aggregations of lending protocols and decentralized exchanges. With multi-chain data within a single API, our clients can see activity from the wallet, pool/asset, or protocol level, allowing them to pinpoint strategies and easily track the market. With governance tokens,voting coverage and portfolio-level metrics, these lenses simplify DeFi for any user. 
  4. Impermanent Loss: While our competitors may provide ‘end-of-day’ impermanent loss aggregations, Amberdata sets a new standard by offering event-level calculations of impermanent loss. As impermanent loss changes with asset prices and every addition or removal of liquidity from a pool, our granular data ensures accurate returns without estimation. This level of precision empowers back offices to account for assets accurately and file taxes with confidence.

With Amberdata, institutions can unlock the full potential of DeFi data and metrics, harnessing its power for trading strategies, risk management, and tax compliance. Our comprehensive offerings and accurate metrics provide a distinct advantage in the dynamic and rapidly evolving realm of decentralized finance.

Daily TVL in US dollars (including borrowed) Aave makerDAO and Compound

DeFi Data Features Comparison: Amberdata vs. Competitors

Quality and Trust

Amberdata prioritizes trust and security in every aspect of our data and product offerings. We ensure uninterrupted access to granular data by running our own nodes and employing backup nodes (and backups to the backups). Unlike many competitors who rely on externally hosted services or do not run their own nodes, Amberdata is committed to being an institutional-grade data provider and runs everything on our in-house stack to uphold the highest standards of quality, accountability, and transparency.

To maintain the integrity of our data, Amberdata exclusively integrates with trusted chains and active exchanges. We are vigilant about preventing the dilution of good, clean data. Our trusted partners include exchanges like Binance and Deribit, who also rely on our services because they recognize our depth and granularity of data. Furthermore, our team consists of expert traders who continuously perform rigorous quality checks and offer valuable insights to guide our product roadmap.

When it comes to data delivery, Amberdata leads the market with the most versatile options available. We offer nine different methods to query and interact with our data, ensuring that you have the flexibility to access and utilize our data in a way that best suits your needs.

Data Delivery + Query Options: Amberdata vs. Competitors

Support and Experience

At Amberdata, we not only take pride in our best-in-class digital asset data but also in providing exceptional support for our customers. Our world-class support team is renowned throughout the industry for its dedication and expertise, ensuring that our clients receive the assistance they need to maximize the value of our product offerings. 

Here are a few ways Amberdata delivers excellent experiences: 

  1. Personalized Customer Support: We understand the importance of customer support and advice, which is why we go above and beyond to provide personalized assistance and guidance throughout the integration process and beyond. Our team is committed to delivering top-notch customer service, helping clients seamlessly integrate our API into their existing systems and workflows.
  2. Versatile API: Amberdata offers a versatile API that can sit on top of other technologies, allowing customers to create a comprehensive solution tailored to their specific needs.
  3. Global Support: Our global offices and round-the-clock support ensure that assistance is always available, regardless of time zone or location, demonstrating our customer-first approach.
  4. Customer-First Approach: At Amberdata, we prioritize the needs of our customers and move quickly to address market needs and provide innovative solutions.
  5. Developer-Friendly Integration: Amberdata's API is designed with developers in mind, offering user-friendly documentation, developer tools, and SDKs that facilitate seamless integration into existing systems and workflows. This ensures a smooth implementation process and minimizes the time and effort required to leverage the power of their data solutions.
  6. API Documentation: Our API Docs are clean, easy to navigate, and extensive. Our Data Dictionary provides in-depth definitions and explanations for each endpoint. Our Docs enhance the user experience, facilitate seamless onboarding, and inspire creativity in utilizing our data.
  7. Sales Cycle: Throughout the sales cycle, we offer well-defined proof of concepts, personalized interactions, and tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of each client. We strive to build strong relationships with our customers, understanding their goals and working collaboratively to achieve them.


In summary, Amberdata sets itself apart not only with our comprehensive digital asset data offerings but also with our commitment to exceptional support and customer experience. From personalized assistance and integration support with our versatile API, we ensure that our clients receive the utmost value from our services. With our global presence, customer-first approach, and dedication to simplicity and innovation, Amberdata is the trusted partner you can rely on for all your digital asset data needs. Ready to get started? Explore our institutional market data dashboards and request a demo below.

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