Weekly Mid-week Crypto Derivatives Market Recap where Imran Lakha of Options Insight gives brief yet concise breakdowns of BTC's & ETH's Volatility, Term-structure, Skew, Crypto Option Flows, and Gamma positioning.
This week Imran walks us through some key points.
1. Realized Vol hit rock bottom this time last week, weekend debt ceiling deal provided a stimulus.
2. BTC & ETH Term Structure saw flattening in the front end as markets jumped higher on the debt ceiling deal.
3. Skew - BTC Skew flipped back into call premium as markets popped on Saturday.
4. BTC Option Volumes slight uptick with call activity still dominating / ETH Option flows are still dominated by call sellers keeping pressure on implied vol.
5. BTC dealer gamma has gone negative again as spot traded above $27k / ETH gamma positioning looks much more neutral.