Welcome to Amberdata Derivatives Fresh New Release where we go in-depth on features that have recently been built for our ADD customers. Exclusive Thalex Data Integration was recently built.
Thalex is a new exchange that provides stable coin-margined options, futures and perpetuals, and tradable “future rolls”.
For more information about Thalex click here.
Chart: (Thalex: BTC - volatility smiles)
Chart: (Thalex: BTC - ATM volatility term structure)
Chart: (Thalex: BTC - Perpetual Funding)
How to find this chart? Options → Thalex → Current or Historical
Find the chart HERE:
Click here to learn more about Amberdata.
Amberdata-Derivatives customers can access these features by becoming an Enterprise user.
For more information on becoming an API customer, you can contact an Amberdata sales representative at (hello@amberdata.io)