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Amberdata platform provides options market data for Deribit, FTX-LedgerX, Bit, OKEx and Binance exchanges

Amberdata, the leading provider of digital asset data, today announced support for cryptocurrency options markets, adding to its support for spot, futures, swaps markets and decentralized exchanges (DEX).

Amberdata customers can now access options market data from Deribit, the market leader for cryptocurrency options trading, having over 90% of trading volume. Support for options market data from the FTX-LedgerX, Bit, OKEx and Binance exchanges will be available by the end of Q1 2022.

Amberdata now provides comprehensive, granular crypto options market data. With low- latency access to real-time and historical options market microstructures, risk metrics (“Greeks”), and theoretical price, customers can effectively train models, as well as discover and manage risk. Tick-by-tick order book events and one minute order book snapshots are available via WebSockets, FIX Protocol and REST.

"With trading volume for bitcoin and ether options increasing 443% in 2021 driven primarily through institutional adoption, providing support for options market data has been a major focus," said Shawn Douglass, CEO, Amberdata. "We are excited to bring to market the most comprehensive options data for the major exchanges to support our institutional customers as they continue adoption of digital assets."

Read the full press release HERE.

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